Green Eye Travel
Green Eye Travel
Roundtrip Spain
Ab 1.882 €

Roundtrip Spain

Erstellt: Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024 - Abreise: Samstag, 12. Oktober 2024
Ref ID: 1321499
Gesamtpreis Ab 3.765 €
Erstellt: Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2024 - Abreise: Samstag, 12. Oktober 2024
Ziele: Orleans, Barcelona, Valencia, Murcia, Granada, Cordoba, Sevilla, Mérida, Madrid, Salamanca, Leon, Gijon, Santander, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Tours

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12 Okt.
Autofahrt von 596 Kilometer - 7h 22min
12 Okt.
1. Orleans
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Über das Reiseziel: Orleans is the capital of the Centre-Val de Loire region of north-central France, located some 120 km south-west of the French capital Paris. The main reason to travel here is not the city itself, but the many castles in the area. Some of the most famous and beautiful 'Chateaux' in the Loire Valley are: the 'Chateau de Chinon', the 'Chateau d'Azay-le-Rideau', the 'Chateau de Langeais', the 'Chateau de Villandry', the 'Chateau de Chenonceau', the 'Chateau d'Amboise', the 'Chateau de Chaumont sur Loire', the 'Chateau de Blois', the 'Chateau de Cheverny' and last, but definitely not least, the 'Chateau Royal de Chambord'. This latter one, probably, is the most famous Castle in France. Visiting it, is not only recommended, but compulsory. A visit to Orleans would not be complete without a visit to the Cathedral. With a similar design to Notre Dame in Paris, the Cathedral can been seen above the buildings from most of the town. Another major attraction of the city is the House of Joan of Arc, the heroine of the city. The best way to get to know Orleans is to walk around the center of town, or along the banks of the river Loire and visiting some of the city's great boulangeries.
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13 Okt.
Autofahrt von 915 Kilometer - 9h 20min
13 Okt.
2. Barcelona
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Über das Reiseziel: Barcelona is a city on the coast of northeastern Spain. It is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality of Spain. With a population of 1.6 million within city limits,[7] its urban area extends to numerous neighbouring municipalities within the Province of Barcelona and is home to around 4.8 million people, making it the fifth most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, the Ruhr area, Madrid, and Milan. It is one of the largest metropolises on the Mediterranean Sea, located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besòs, and bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola mountain range, the tallest peak of which is 512 metres (1,680 feet) high.
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13 Okt.
2 Nächte
15 Okt.
Autofahrt von 352 Kilometer - 3h 55min
15 Okt.
3. Valencia
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Über das Reiseziel: Valencia prizes its huertas, orchards, of citrus fruit trees, which flourish despite the arid conditions. Here visitors will find monuments to water, or fountains, and celebrations of vegetation, or gardens. This provincial capital, the third largest city in Spain, also offers a variety of museums and ancient monuments and buildings, all with a distinctly Moorish and nautical flavour. Valencia is the birthplace of both paella and orxata de chufas, and it provides the most authentic setting for sampling them. From the Old Town rises the Gothic and neoclassical Seu, Metropolitan Cathedral. Its tower, the Micalet, offers a far-reaching panorama of the historic centre of the city. The inside of the cathedral is notable for its cool simplicity and simple, but beautiful, six-panel altarpiece. The Museu de la Seu, the Cathedral Museum, claims among other lesser treasures, two large Goyas and one of Spain’s several supposedly authentic Holy Grails. Nearby is the Llotja de la Seda, the former silk exchange, with its handsome pillars. No matter if you like the modern or the old, Valencia has everything to offer. You can get lost at night in the historic centre and walk in front of the illuminated cathedral or visit La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, the City of Arts and Sciences, the avant-garde side of the city.
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17 Okt.
Autofahrt von 219 Kilometer - 2h 33min
17 Okt.
4. Murcia
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Über das Reiseziel: Murcia is a city on the Segura River, located in south-eastern Spain, inland but not far from the coast. It’s mainly a services city and an important university town. The city has grown considerably in recent years, and avenues and fine promenades now surround its attractive old quarter. Its pedestrianized streets and small squares create a peaceful atmosphere, complemented by a rich architectural heritage, dominated by the cathedral. Walking by Murcia's Old Town you'll find some beautiful buildings. Around the Cathedral visitor will see a few big avenues but also lot of small and narrow streets to explore. Also on this area there are many restaurants and Tapas Bars, shops, souvenir shops, and lot of coffee shops. A good option may be to have a drink at Cathedral Square before starting to explore the area. From any bar on this square there is a wonderful view of the square’s two main buildings: The Cathedral and Palacio Episcopal. It is a huge square and always it is full of people. Murcia's Cathedral is one of best and most impressive Cathedrals in Spain. The temple was constructed on the site of an old Arabic Mosque during the 15th century. Looking at the facade one can observe three different styles: Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. The bell tower is 95 m. tall and has some beautiful Plateresque ornamentation. The interior of the Cathedral is mainly Gothic, with a layout of three naves and surrounded by some chapels. Nearby, we find Murcia's Town Hall, a colourful and beautiful building, where there are interesting exhibitions open to the public. Murcia is home to beautiful churches and museums, a fascinating old town, attractive plazas full of people and energy. It's the capital of the Murcia Region, a region known for agriculture and tourism, but also for the charming mountain villages, fishing station, beaches that are untouched and for the green countryside.
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17 Okt.
Autofahrt von 291 Kilometer - 3h 26min
17 Okt.
5. Granada
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Über das Reiseziel: Die muslimischen Herrscher von Granada verehrten und schmückten diese Provinzhauptstadt. Ignorieren Sie die niedrigen Gemächer von Granada und schauen Sie nach oben: Der majestätische lehmrote Alhambra-Palast erhebt sich vor der Sierra Nevada, Europas sonnigsten Skipisten. Und auch die erfrischende Küste ist in der Nähe. Die Alhambra, die Rote auf Arabisch, ist ein islamisches Denkmal von weltweitem Ruhm und unvergänglicher Pracht, erbaut auf einem Hügel, der mit herrlichen Wäldern und Gärten bedeckt ist. Die zahlreichen Höfe und Räume in den Palästen der Casa Real gehören zu den schönsten Beispielen der Mudéjar-Kunst und -Architektur. Die Kathedrale von Granada wurde nach der Reconquista von Granada als Ersatz für die Moschee an dieser Stelle errichtet und ist die erste reine Renaissance-Kathedrale in Spanien. Die Königliche Kapelle, die über einen separaten Eingang erreichbar ist, enthält das kunstvolle Grab von Ferdinand und Isabella sowie Isabellas prächtige private Kunstsammlung. Südlich der Kathedrale liegt das Albayzin, das alte arabische Viertel, eine Reihe verwinkelter Gassen mit Torbögen im maurischen Stil, die die Wände schmücken. Granada ist berühmt für seine Karwochenfeiern mit Festen und Prozessionen. Wer weniger kulturelle Abwechslung sucht, sollte sich an die Studentenkneipen rund um die Universität halten.
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19 Okt.
Autofahrt von 201 Kilometer - 2h 23min
19 Okt.
6. Cordoba
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Über das Reiseziel: Perhaps nowhere else does Spain’s diverse heritage present itself so tangibly to the visitors as in Cordoba. The Roman Bridge, and scattered pillars and ramparts testify to the city’s importance in Roman times. The Arab occupation brought about its greatest prosperity and for a time Cordoba, with is vast library, was the largest city in the world. Cordoba captures the essence of Andalusia today: White-washed houses along narrow streets hide serene patios, and the strains of cante jondo, a vocal style in flamenco, still resound from time to time. Most sights and monuments are clustered in the Juderia, a maze of narrow winding streets that was once the city’s Jewish quarter. This area lies between the Plaza de las Tendillas, Cordoba’s main square, and the River Guadalquivir. Here visitors will find the city’s symbol, The Mezquita, Great Mosque, which is a mystic wonder; an airy forest of 850 marble, alabaster and stone pillars supports the 425 striped double-decker arches. From the tower visitors can clearly see how the 13th century conversion into a cathedral resulted in an incongruous juxtaposition of styles. Mischievous The Jewish quarter is great for tapas and bar-hopping, while you are at it, try a light, dry fino or a sweet Pedro Ximenez, the most famous local wines. Córdoba has plenty reasons for visiting it. This city invites you to dream: just wander through its convoluted alleys and you will realize you're in a unique place. Do not miss the sunset from the Roman Bridge over the Guadalquivir river. After that you won’t want to go to sleep.
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19 Okt.
Autofahrt von 145 Kilometer - 1h 53min
19 Okt.
7. Sevilla
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Über das Reiseziel: Seville has a special colour, this effervescent city is filled with captivating traditional architecture in colours of lemons, plums and oranges. The River Guadalquivir runs approximately north-south through Seville. Most of the city, including the old quarter of Barrio de Santa Cruz, is on the east bank, while the Barrio de Triana lies on the west bank. At midnight, impromptu singing, clapping and guitar playing fill bars and streets. By day, the diversity of the city’s heritage becomes apparent. The Romans, Moors, Catholic Spaniards, and now, hordes of tourists have all tried to claim Seville as their own. Indeed, Seville has never failed to spark the imagination of newcomers. From the street, the cathedral seems unimpressive; you must go inside to get some sense of its dimensions. Massive pillars support the vaulted roof, and the wealth of treasure is fabulous beyond belief. Another major sight of the city is La Giralda, which was the minaret of the Almohad mosque. From the top, there’s a fantastic view of the city across the barbed spires and buttresses of the roof. La Torre del Oro, a symbol of the city, originally covered in golden tiles, watches over the town as it has always done since 1220. Seville at night is wonderful, everything takes on a mystical air able to hypnotize and if you know how to live it, you will fall under its spell.
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21 Okt.
Autofahrt von 188 Kilometer - 2h 1min
21 Okt.
8. Mérida
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Über das Reiseziel: Merida is the capital of the Extremadura region in Spain. The Archaeological Ensemble of Mérida has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993. Mérida is a perfect city for cultural tourism. The main tourist attractions are the Roman Theatre and Amphitheatre; Los Milagros Aqueduct, the Diana’s Temple, or the Roman Bridge, whose construction gives meaning to the existence of this town and because of its strategic value it is a crucial element for trading and all the wars that took place in the east of the peninsula.
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22 Okt.
Autofahrt von 343 Kilometer - 3h 30min
22 Okt.
9. Madrid
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Über das Reiseziel: Willkommen in Madrid, dem pulsierenden Herzen Spaniens! Als Hauptstadt ist Madrid eine faszinierende Mischung aus reicher Geschichte, atemberaubender Architektur und einer lebendigen Kulturszene. Egal, ob Sie ein Kunstliebhaber, ein Geschichtsfan oder einfach jemand sind, der den lokalen Lebensstil erleben möchte, Madrid bietet eine Fülle von Aktivitäten und Sehenswürdigkeiten, die Ihre Sinne zweifellos fesseln werden. Beginnen Sie Ihre Reise an der ikonischen Puerta del Sol, dem belebten zentralen Platz, der als perfekter Ausgangspunkt für jede Erkundung dient. Von hier aus sind Sie nur einen kurzen Spaziergang von einigen der bedeutendsten Sehenswürdigkeiten Madrids entfernt. Machen Sie einen gemütlichen Spaziergang zum Königspalast, einem der größten und opulentesten Paläste Europas, und bestaunen Sie seine atemberaubende Architektur und seine großzügigen Innenräume. Vergessen Sie nicht, die Almudena-Kathedrale zu besuchen, die sich direkt neben dem Palast befindet und einen beeindruckenden Kontrast zwischen modernen und traditionellen Architekturstilen bietet. Kunstliebhaber sollten sich das „Goldene Dreieck der Kunst“ nicht entgehen lassen, zu dem das Prado-Museum, das Reina Sofía-Museum und das Thyssen-Bornemisza-Museum gehören. Der Prado beherbergt Meisterwerke von Velázquez, Goya und El Greco, während das Reina Sofía Picassos Guernica sowie Werke von Dalí und Miró beherbergt. Das Thyssen-Bornemisza bietet eine umfangreiche Sammlung, die von der Renaissance bis zur Moderne reicht und einen umfassenden Überblick über die westliche Kunstgeschichte bietet. Kein Besuch in Madrid wäre vollständig, ohne sich den kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten hinzugeben. Besuchen Sie eine traditionelle Tapas-Bar und genießen Sie eine Auswahl kleiner Gerichte, von Patatas Bravas bis Jamón Ibérico. Probieren Sie für eine reichhaltigere Mahlzeit einen Cocido Madrileño, einen herzhaften Kichererbseneintopf, der bei den Einheimischen sehr beliebt ist. Krönen Sie Ihr gastronomisches Abenteuer mit einem Besuch in einem der geschäftigen Mercados der Stadt, wie dem Mercado de San Miguel, wo Sie frische Produkte, handgemachten Käse und köstliches Gebäck probieren können. Ob Sie für einen Wochenendausflug oder einen längeren Aufenthalt hier sind, Madrids dynamischer Geist und unzählige Attraktionen sorgen für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.
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25 Okt.
Autofahrt von 214 Kilometer - 2h 24min
25 Okt.
10. Salamanca
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Über das Reiseziel: Salamanca is an architectural tapestry woven in sandstone. Though there are excellent examples of Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and baroque structures, the golden stone itself is the thread of continuity and harmony. Nonetheless, this ancient university town, has many monumental highlights. Plaza Mayor, considered by many the most beautiful main square in Spain is a fine place for admiring architecture. The town hall is the large, elegant building in the centre of the square. Two beautiful cathedrals stand side by side: the New Cathedral boasts beautiful Plateresque facades and it is the only entrance to the connecting old, Romanesque Catedral Vieja. The university, the focal point of the city, is one of the best examples of Spanish Plateresque style. Salamanca at night is a party. The illuminated city is the meeting point for hundreds of students collecting tapas and beer. But make no mistake, it is also a city to enjoy a quiet night, savoring some wine on a terrace of Plaza Mayor.
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27 Okt.
Autofahrt von 210 Kilometer - 2h 9min
27 Okt.
11. Leon
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Über das Reiseziel: Leon is a lovely little town that lies in the north of Spain in the Castilla y Leon region. Represented by images of lions this town is proud of its historical heritage. The city still like to remind the world that it had 24 kings before Castile had laws. Though this blue and airy city reached its peak in the 11th century, it’s still remarkably appealing. The Plaza Mayor, with its lovely arcades and cafes is the prefect starting point to explore the old centre of Leon. The outstanding attractions of the city are the colossal Cathedral, a 13th century Gothic extravaganza featuring resplendent stained-glass windows, and the Basilica of San Isidoro, with a royal pantheon whose vaults are decorated with perfectly preserved Romanesque frescoes. Leon, with its wide avenues and open spaces, pedestrian zones and the river Bernesga providing shaded walks along its banks, is truly a beautiful city.
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28 Okt.
Autofahrt von 147 Kilometer - 1h 46min
28 Okt.
12. Gijon
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Über das Reiseziel: Gijón ist eine Küstenstadt in der Provinz Asturien im Nordwesten Spaniens. Gijon ist eine dynamische und lebendige Stadt, in der Besucher zahlreiche Parks, Sportanlagen, restauriertes und geschütztes historisches und künstlerisches Erbe genießen können. Als eine der wichtigsten Städte der Region ist Gijon Schauplatz von Messen, Kongressen, Konzerten und großen kulturellen und sportlichen Veranstaltungen. Die Altstadt befindet sich in der Nähe des Rathausplatzes und erstreckt sich über mehrere Bereiche. Auf dem Marques-Platz befindet sich die Statue von König Pelayo und der elegante Revillagigedo-Palast. Dieser Platz ist der perfekte Ort, um einen Drink in einer der vielen Bars und Clubs zu genießen. Cimadevilla ist das alte Fischerviertel. Es ist voll von kleinen Häusern, die in leuchtenden Farben gestrichen sind, und voll von typischen Apfelweinbars und Nachtclubs. Direkt von den Straßen von Cimadevilla aus erreichen wir den Gipfel des Hochlandes von Santa Catalina, von wo aus die Besucher einen herrlichen Blick auf die Stadt und den Hafen genießen können. Hier befindet sich auch eines der wichtigsten Denkmäler von Gijon, eine Skulptur von Eduardo Chillida namens "Elogio del Horizonte". In Gijon gibt es Überreste römischer Siedlungen wie die Bäder von Campo Valdés aus dem 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr., die die größten erhaltenen römischen Bäder Spaniens sind. Gijon ist ein beliebter Urlaubsort unter Spaniern und bietet ein pulsierendes Nachtleben und eine kulturelle Szene sowie gute Strände.
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29 Okt.
Autofahrt von 181 Kilometer - 2h 3min
29 Okt.
13. Santander
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Über das Reiseziel: Santander is an elegant port city which extends along the northern side of the handsome Bahía de Santander and it's a lively place with much to see and do. It is a deeply historical place full of wide streets, pleasing architecture and waterside restaurants. Santander’s most popular neighbourhood, El Sardinero, was once a very exclusive holiday spot for the wealthy. Nowadays it preserves a belle-époque elegance and its one of the most beautiful parts of the city, especially valued for its environmental quality and spectacular beaches. The Paseo de Pereda, with its typical houses with enclosed balconies, and its gardens constitutes a buoyant boulevard which separates the coastal strip from the historic quarter of Santander. The nearby Cathedral is one of the oldest buildings in the capital, its earliest construction dating from the 13th century. Under the main chapel is the crypt of El Cristo, a sombre vaulted chamber in which various traces of the Roman era were discovered. There are lots of reasons to like the bustling port city as its good city beaches, its numerous parks and gardens, its gastronomy and its history makes it the perfect gateway.
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31 Okt.
Autofahrt von 105 Kilometer - 1h 25min
31 Okt.
14. Bilbao
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Über das Reiseziel: Bilbao is the capital of Biscay in the Basque Country, in northern Spain. The city is situated on the banks of the Nervión, a tidal river. Bilbao was till the 90s a grey big industrial town, the economical heart of the Basque Country. But since the opening of a new Guggenheim Museum by the river, the city has become an arty and stylish city and is now a major touristic destination. The main attraction that put Bilbao on the map was the construction of the Guggenheim Museum by Frank Gehry, it is now one of Spain’s most visited attractions. The building is impressive and there are some very interesting sculptures outside the museum and in the atrium. Centred on the Plaza Nueva, a busy and colourful square, and the Santiago Cathedral the old quarter of Bilbao is pretty compact and a walk around its streets doesn't take long. The impressive church of San Nicolas, built in 1743 in honour of the sailors from Bilbao, stands at the entrance to the Casco Viejo. Located in the very heart of Bilbao's old centre, the cathedral of Bilbao is the oldest church in the city and the main Gothic construction in Biscay. Vital and exciting Bilbao is famous for its great food, its culture and its active nightlife.
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31 Okt.
Autofahrt von 100 Kilometer - 1h 21min
San Sebastian
31 Okt.
15. San Sebastian
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Über das Reiseziel: San Sebastian is the capital of the province of Guipuzcoa. It became a popular touristic destination in the late XIX century thanks to Queen Christina of Austria, who spent her summers there. The beauty of the city and its gastronomy are two of its main tourist attractions. La Concha Bay presides over the city flanked by the Monte Igeldo and Monte Urgull. Facing La Concha is the Island of Santa Clara, where the lighthouse is located and it is accessible by boat from El Puerto. To the left of La Concha we find Ondarreta beach and at the far end of it, we have the set of sculptures “Comb of the Wind" by Eduardo Chillida. The old town, located at the foot of Monte Urgull between the port and the mouth of the Urumea, comes alive each evening when tapas and Basque specialities such as shellfish, seafood and squid specialities, can be enjoyed in local bars. The old town displays a Belle Époque splendour that will amaze all visitors. The city is home to the San Sebastián International Film Festival and the Quincena Musical, among other important events, that attract spectators coming from all over the world. Elegant, sophisticated and with a fin-de-siècle feel to it, San Sebastian is considered one of Spain’s most beautiful cities.
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02 Nov.
Autofahrt von 585 Kilometer - 5h 54min
San Sebastian
02 Nov.
16. Tours
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Über das Reiseziel: This elegant and spirited town is located in the heart of the Loire Valley, which make it a convenient base for exploring the Touraine region. Notable for being an economic and cultural core, the city draws more tourists than any other Loire town. Tours treasures a beautiful old town. Châteauneuf neighbourhood emerged in the Middle Ages around the Basilica of Saint Martin and Plumereau square. St-Gatien cathedral has beautiful 13th century windows and a quiet cloister with unusual buttresses. Above tall and simple arches lend a look of incredible height to the nave. Appetizing restaurants abound in the old quarter offering regional specialties. Tours may be the ideal starting point to unravel the secrets hidden within the Loire. Its valley, described as 'The Garden of France’, boasts unparalleled architectural heritage, with its impressive and lovely castles. The declaration as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO of this area confirms the crucial importance and the enormous interest that this destination has for travellers.
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03 Nov.
Autofahrt von 705 Kilometer - 8h 3min
Gesamtpreis Ab 3.765 €
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